
Find energy saving grants for your home

Here’s a breakdown of the latest Government-backed schemes available. 

Prepared by: Free Heating Scheme
Source: UK Government
Last Updated: 1 December 2023

ECO4 Scheme

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) scheme is a British program that aims to help people make eco-friendly changes to their homes for free. This financial initiative allows UK householders to make their homes more energy efficient by providing heating upgrades worth over £50,000. The plan encourages using solar panels, insulation, and heat pumps instead of inefficient fossil fuels and will help lower carbon footprints and save energy in the long run.

Through its means-tested approach, ECO4 ensures that it gives financial assistance to those who need it most. However, it does consider other eligibility criteria – so you could still qualify, even if you don’t receive benefits. This means that a wider range of people who want to improve the energy efficiency of their homes can still participate.

ECO4 promotes sustainable living and aims to make future British housing more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. 

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Great British Insulation Scheme

The UK government’s Great British Insulation Scheme helps homeowners and tenants improve the energy efficiency of their homes. Formerly known as ECO+, the scheme’s £ 1 billion budget aims to support approximately 300,000 households financially. Residents can make a range of energy improvements worth over £50,000 – including installing solar panels, insulation, and heat pumps. 

The main goal of the Great British Insulation Scheme is to help people save money on their energy bills. Its means-tested approach provides financial assistance to those who are in greatest need and specifically targets those with the least energy-efficient homes. This is typically houses with a low Energy Performance Certificate rating.

The scheme is available to many people who want to make sustainable home improvements; not only those receiving benefits. It also helps people on low incomes and has recently been extended to incorporate even more households, including those who pay less Council Tax.

By obligating large energy suppliers to financially contribute towards helping households reduce heating bills through installing energy-efficient measures; the Great British Insulation Scheme can help to improve the environment and conserve energy significantly. 

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Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS)

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) is a grant from the UK Government. It helps people in England and Wales switch from fossil fuel boilers to eco-friendly heat pumps or biomass boilers. The scheme is part of the UK’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate change.

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme awards money to homeowners to help them replace their old boiler with a low-carbon one. The grants can be up to £5,000 or £7,500 and the amount given depends on the boiler type and the property’s energy efficiency rating.

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